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Ajout du système Apogee

Auteur : micaelo14


Description à compléter…

Installation sous RocketLauncher (ou HyperLaunch 3)

Installation de l'émulateur

Pour ce tutoriel nous utiliserons l'émulateur Universal Emulator dans sa version 1.01, et le module spécifique au système Apogee.


Pour ce tutoriel, le système Apogee à été validé avec la version 1.2 du module.

Des versions plus récentes peuvent être disponible via RocketLauncherUI, mais si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec ces versions, voici la version 1.2 :

(Cliquez sur le titre ci-dessous pour directement télécharger le fichier)

Universal Emulator.ahk
MEmu = Universal Emulator
MEmuV = 1.01
MURL = http://bashkiria-2m.narod.ru/index/files/0-11
MAuthor = craiganderson
MVersion = 1.2
iCRC =
MSystem = "Apogee","BK 0011","Lviv PC-01","Mikrosha","Vector-06C"
;Notes: Enable/Disable Fullscreen in HLHQ System Settings
;It appears that Hyperspin needs to be run as an administrator for the BlockUserInputTime to function properly.
;Because Hyperspin is being run as an administrator, xpadder requires to be run as an administrator as well.
;BlockUserInputTime: When Running Lviv PC-01: This emulator automatically types commands on the screen to load games. User input can interfere with this. BlockUserInputTimedefines how long user input is blocked in order to allow the emulator to load the game. The default setting is 13 seconds (13000). Increase this setting if your system is having difficulty. It can be changed in HLHQ SYSTEM settings
BlockInput, On ;It appears that Hyperspin needs to be run as an administrator for this command to function. This is most important for "Lviv PC-01."
BlockUserInputTime = 3000; default for all systems
If (systemName = "Lviv PC-01")
{ BlockUserInputTime = 13000;default for "Lviv PC-01"
Fullscreen := "false"
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . systemName . ".ini"
BlockUserInputTime := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BlockUserInputTime","true",,1)
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ ", emuPath)
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
SetTitleMatchMode, Fast
WinWait("ahk_class Afx:400000:b:10003:6")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class Afx:400000:b:10003:6")
Sleep, BlockUserInputTime
BlockInput, OFF
If Fullscreen = true
{ Sleep,1000
WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class Afx:400000:b:10003:6, , 2&, 9&
Process("WaitClose", executable)
Process, Close, EMU.exe

Fichier de configuration

Créez un fichier Apogee.ini dans le dossier Modules Universal Emulator


Configuration de l'émulateur

Ajouter l'émulateur Alice32 dans RocketLauncher :

  • Name : Apogee
  • Path : ..\Emulators\Universal Emulator\EMU.exe
  • Rom Extensions : rka
  • Module : Universal Emulator.ahk
  • GUI Path :
  • CLI Parameters :

Ajout du système

Il ne reste plus qu'à ajouter le système, en choisissant l'émulateur Apogee et en spécifiant le chemin de vos roms.


tutos/software/systemes/apogee.1486467233.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/02/07 12:33 (modification externe)