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Ajout du système ACORN BBC MICRO

Auteur : micaelo14


Acorn est une entreprise britannique qui a construit des micro-ordinateurs de 1978 jusqu'à 2000. Elle est devenue célèbre dans les années 1980 avec son best-seller, le BBC Micro, qui devint l'un des micro-ordinateurs les plus vendus du Royaume-Uni.

Créés pour une utilisation pédagogique, les ordinateurs de la gamme BBC Micro sont réputés pour leur modularité et la qualité de leurs systèmes d'exploitation.

Installation sous RocketLauncher (ou HyperLaunch 3)

Installation de l'émulateur

  • Télécharger la version 4.14 de l'émulateur BeebEm depuis le site officiel : http://www.mkw.me.uk/beebem/
  • Décompressez l'archive dans le dossier \Emulators\BeebEm\


Pour ce tutoriel, le système à été validé avec la version 1.05 du module.

Des versions plus récentes peuvent être disponible via RocketLauncherUI, mais si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec ces versions, voici la version 1.05 :

(Cliquez sur le titre ci-dessous pour directement télécharger le fichier)

MEmu = BeebEm
MEmuV = v4.14
MURL = http://www.mkw.me.uk/beebem/index.html
MAuthor = brolly
MVersion = 1.0.5
MCRC = 8C0B0650
iCRC = 8E9F265F
mId = 635599773229077671
MSystem = "Acorn BBC Micro";----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Notes:; Start BeebEm and go to Options-Preference Options-Select User Data Folder; Make sure you set your user data folder to Emulator_Path\UserData;; Supported Models:; BBC Model B; BBC Model B + Integra-B; BBC Model B Plus; BBC Master 128;; To list the contents of a disk drive so you can find the executable file type:; *DISK (or *DR.0 or *DR.1 depending on the drive you want to use); *CAT;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
configFile := emuPath . "\UserData\Preferences.cfg"
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
ShowFPS := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ShowFPS","00",,1)
EmulatedDriveSounds := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EmulatedDriveSounds","00",,1)
Model := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Model","0",,1)
TapeSpeed := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "TapeSpeed","ee02",,1)
SetTube := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "SetTube","false",,1)
WriteProtectDrives := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "WriteProtectDrives","true",,1)
ChainCommand := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ChainCommand","",,1)
RunCommand := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RunCommand","",,1)
CustomCommand := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CustomCommand","",,1)
TapeLoadingMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "TapeLoadingMethod","CHAIN",,1)
RomCfgFile := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RomCfgFile","",,1)
AutobootDisk := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "AutobootDisk","true",,1)
MultipleDiskDrive := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MultipleDiskDrive","0",,1)
StringUpper RunCommand, RunCommand
If (RomCfgFile) {
RomCfgFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\UserData\" . RomCfgFile)
hideEmuObj := Object("ahk_class BEEBWIN",1); Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
If romExtension not in .ssd,.dsd,.adl,.adf,.img,.uef
ScriptError("The extension " . romExtension . " is not one of the known supported extensions for this emulator.")
If !FileExist(configFile)
ScriptError("Preferences.cfg was not found at " . configFile)
If Model not in 0,1,2,3
ScriptError("Model " . Model . " is not one of the known supported systems for this module: " . moduleName . ". Please use the option to configure the type of system needed through RocketLauncherUI.")
configIni := LoadProperties(configFile); load the config into memory
SetTube := If SetTube = "true" ? "01" : "00"
ShowFPS := If ShowFPS = "true" ? "01" : "00"
EmulatedDriveSounds := If EmulatedDriveSounds = "true" ? "01" : "00"
Params := Params . "-Data - -DisMenu "
If ( romExtension = ".uef" ) {;Tape
If (TapeLoadingMethod = "RUN") {
Params := Params . " -KbdCmd ""OSCLI\s2\STAPE\s2\S\nOSCLI\s2\SRUN\s2\S\n"" "
Else {
Params := Params . " -KbdCmd ""OSCLI\s2\STAPE\s2\S\nPAGE\s-\S\s6\SE00\nCH.\s22\S\n"" "
};Alternatives;Params := Params . " -KbdCmd ""OSCLI\s2\STAPE\s2\S\nOSCLI\s2\SRUN\s2\S\n"" ";Params := Params . " -KbdCmd ""\s'\STAPE\nPAGE\s-\S\s6\SE00\nCHAIN \s22\S\n"" ";Params := Params . " -KbdCmd ""\s'\STAPE\n\s'\SRUN\n"" "
} Else {;Disk
If (ChainCommand) {
Params := Params . " -KbdCmd """ . (If Model = "3" ? "\d0600\S\d0040" : "") . "CH.\s2\S" . ChainCommand . "\s2\S\n"" ";Loading the Master 128 OS takes longer so we need to simulate a delay before starting to send the commands otherwise not all of it will get through. Then revert it back to the default value of 40ms.
} Else If (RunCommand) {
Params := Params . " -KbdCmd """ . (If Model = "3" ? "\d0600\S\d0040" : "") . "OSCLI\s2\SRUN " . RunCommand . "\s2\S\n"" ";Loading the Master 128 OS takes longer so we need to simulate a delay before starting to send the commands otherwise not all of it will get through. Then revert it back to the default value of 40ms.
} Else If (CustomCommand) {
Params := Params . " -KbdCmd """ . (If Model = "3" ? "\d0600\S\d0040" : "") . CustomCommand . "\n"" ";Loading the Master 128 OS takes longer so we need to simulate a delay before starting to send the commands otherwise not all of it will get through. Then revert it back to the default value of 40ms.
If (AutobootDisk = "false") {
Params := Params . " -NoAutoBoot "
If (RomCfgFile) {
Params := Params . " -Roms """ . RomCfgFile . """"
Params := Params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
 ;MultiGame support for disk games (load both disks in the 2 drives)
If ( romExtension != ".uef" ) {
RomTableCheck(); make sure romTable is created already so the next line can calculate correctly
romCount = % romTable.MaxIndex()
If romName contains (Disk 1)
If romCount> 1
Params := Params . " """ . romTable[2,1] . """"
 ;Set the properties in the preferences.cfg file;Yes, ShowFSP is not a typo on our side. The BeebEm emulator authors made this typo so we have to use it.
WriteProperty(configIni,"ShowFSP", ShowFPS)
WriteProperty(configIni,"DiscDriveSoundEnabled", EmulatedDriveSounds)
WriteProperty(configIni,"RelaySoundEnabled", EmulatedDriveSounds)
WriteProperty(configIni,"TapeSoundEnabled", EmulatedDriveSounds)
WriteProperty(configIni,"MachineType", "0" . Model)
WriteProperty(configIni,"KeyMapping", "00009c62")
WriteProperty(configIni,"TubeEnabled", SetTube)
WriteProperty(configIni,"Tape Clock Speed", TapeSpeed)
SaveProperties(configFile,configIni); save changes to Preferences.cfg
Fullscreen := If Fullscreen = "true" ? "-FullScreen " : ""
Run(executable . " " . Fullscreen . Params, emuPath)
WinActivate, ahk_class BEEBWIN
WinWaitActive("ahk_class BEEBWIN")
If (WriteProtectDrives = "false")
PostMessage, 0x111, 40064,,,ahk_class BEEBWIN
PostMessage, 0x111, 40065,,,ahk_class BEEBWIN
If bezelPath {
WinGetPos,,, initialwidth,, ahk_class BEEBWIN
timeout := A_TickCount
Loop {
Sleep, 50
WinGetPos,,, W,, ahk_class BEEBWIN
If (W != initialwidth)
If(timeout <A_TickCount - 2000)
Sleep, 50
Process("WaitClose", executable)
If ( romExtension = ".uef" )
Control := "40108"
Control := If MultipleDiskDrive = "1" ? "40023" : "40002"
PostMessage, 0x111, %Control%,,, ahk_class BEEBWIN
OpenROM("ahk_class #32770", selectedRom)
WinClose("ahk_class BEEBWIN")

Configuration de l'émulateur

Ajouter l'émulateur BeebEm dans RocketLauncher :

  • Name : Acorn BBC Micro
  • Path : ..\Emulators\BeebEm\BeebEm.exe
  • Rom Extensions : ssd|uef
  • Module : BeebEm.ahk
  • GUI Path :
  • CLI Parameters :

Ajout du système

Il ne reste plus qu'à ajouter le système, en choisissant l'émulateur Acorn BBC Micro et en spécifiant le chemin de vos roms.


tutos/software/systemes/acornbbcmicro.1486333981.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/02/05 23:33 de thesalan