====== Emulateur Jynx ====== ===== Présentation ===== FIXME : présentation ===== Systèmes compatibles ===== * [[:tutos:software:systemes:camputers_lynx|Camputers Lynx]] ===== Installation ===== * Téléchargez l'émulateur depuis le site officiel : [[https://jynxemulator.wordpress.com|https://jynxemulator.wordpress.com]] * Décompressez l'archive et copiez le contenu dans votre dossier //\Emulators\Jynx// ===== Intégration dans RocketLauncher ===== ==== Module ==== Lors de la rédaction de ce tutoriel, le module Jynx.ahk n'était pas disponible dans RocketLauncherUI. Téléchargez le module ci-dessous : (Cliquez sur le titre ci-dessous pour directement télécharger le fichier) Module AHK Module MEmu = Jynx MEmuV = v1.07 MURL = http://jynx-emulator.tumblr.com/ MAuthor = craiganderson MVersion = 1.0 MCRC = iCRC = MID = MSystem = “Camputers Lynx”;—————————————————————————-;Game Info; Moonfall: The french (fr) rom seems to work better that the other two.; Dungeon Adventure: The name of the rom must include “Dungeon” or “dungeon.” The module changes the display setting if either of those words are in the rom.; Colossal Adventure: Same as Dungeon Adventure. Must include “Colossal” or “colossal” in rom name.; Several ROMS have been modified (i.e. multiple tapes combined to one tape OR “fixed” for other reasons) in order to make them playable. These include Dungeon Adventure, Colossal Adventure, Mazeman, Power Blaster. PM Me if you need these roms.; Full screen can be set in HLHQ; If RUN is not being typed on the screen in the games that need it, increase the value below in the module from Sleep, 6000 to maybe Sleep, 8000 (see text below in module).;—————————————————————————- BlockInput, On StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath) settingsFile := modulePath . “\” . moduleName . ”.ini“ Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, “Settings”, “Fullscreen”,”true“,,1) BezelStart(“fixResMode”) Run(executable, emuPath) WinWait(“Jynx ahk_class #32770”) WinWaitActive(“Jynx ahk_class #32770”) If InStr(romName, “Dungeon”) or InStr(romName, “dungeon”) { WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Level 9 game colours Sleep, 10 } else If InStr(romName, “Colossal”) or InStr(romName, “colossal”) { WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Level 9 game colours Sleep, 10 } else { WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Normal Lynx colours Sleep, 10 } Sleep, 500 WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , File, Run TAP file … WinWait(“Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770”) WinWaitActive(“Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770”) Sleep, 1000 Loop { ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770 If ( edit1Text = romPath . “\” . romName . romExtension ) Break Sleep, 100 ControlSetText, Edit1, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770 } ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770 WinWait(“Jynx ahk_class #32770”) WinWaitActive(“Jynx ahk_class #32770”) Sleep, 6000; increase this value if RUN is not being typed on the games that need it. SetKeyDelay, 50 Send, {r down}{r up}{u down}{u up}{n down}{n up}{ENTER down}{ENTER up} Sleep,100 If Fullscreen = true { Sleep, 10 WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Full screen } Sleep,1000 BlockInput, Off BezelDraw() FadeInExit() Process(“WaitClose”, executable) 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() Process, Close, Jynx-Windows-64bit.exe Process, Close, Jynx-Windows-32bit.exe Return ==== Configuration ==== Ajoutez l'émulateur Camputers Lynx dans //RocketLauncher// : * Name : Camputers Lynx * Path : ..\Emulators\Jynx\Jynx-Windows-64bit.exe.exe * Rom Extensions : tap * Module : Jynx.ahk * GUI Path : * CLI Parameters : {{ :tutos:emulateurs:camputers_lynx:camputerslynx_02.png?nolink& }} Ensuite, il vous faudra désactiver le Bezel et le Fade-in, et activer le plein écran : {{ :tutos:emulateurs:camputers_lynx:camputerslynx_03.png?nolink& }}{{ :tutos:emulateurs:camputers_lynx:camputerslynx_04.png?nolink& }}{{ :tutos:emulateurs:camputers_lynx:camputerslynx_05.png?nolink& }}{{ :tutos:emulateurs:camputers_lynx:camputerslynx_06.png?nolink& }} ===== Liens ===== * Site officiel : [[https://jynxemulator.wordpress.com|https://jynxemulator.wordpress.com]].