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Ajout du système Amstrad CPC

Auteur : micaelo14


Ce projet a débuté en 1983, Amstrad, société britannique produisant du matériel HI-FI dirigée par Alan Michael Sugar (souvent abrégé en “AMS”), est à la recherche d'un nouveau créneau. AMS voit une place vacante dans le marché de la micro-informatique de l'époque : jusque-là, en effet, elle s'adressait avant tout à des « hobbyistes », passionnés ou susceptibles de le devenir (d'où des ordinateurs peu chers, mais en kit ou avec tant de branchements à réaliser qu'ils en devenaient rapidement des cauchemars de plombiers, ou des appareils à la pointe de la technique, mais très chers et encore à moitié expérimentaux).

Alan Sugar choisit de s'adresser à une clientèle résolument familiale, inexpérimentée et sans grands moyens : il décide donc de vendre un ordinateur dont l'installation est la plus simple possible, et qui soit directement utilisable même par un profane dès la mise sous tension (d'où le moniteur inclus et le nombre de câbles remarquablement réduit pour l'époque), le tout pour le même prix qu'un Commodore 64 sans écran. Le fait de fournir un moniteur couleur ou monochrome avec l'ordinateur pour un prix abordable participa grandement au succès de ces ordinateurs, les modèles concurrents nécessitaient souvent de monopoliser le téléviseur du salon. De plus, pour rester dans cette logique de clientèle familiale, Amstrad va organiser ses points de vente uniquement sur la base de la grande distribution.

En 1984 sort l'Amstrad CPC 464, comprenant 64 Ko de mémoire vive, vendu avec un écran monochrome (vert) ou un écran couleur et, chose inhabituelle à l'époque, un lecteur de cassettes intégré. L’Amstrad CPC 464 connaît dès sa sortie un immense succès, surtout en France, se vendant à plus d'un million d’exemplaires.

En 1985 sortent successivement l'Amstrad CPC 664 où le lecteur de cassettes est remplacé par un lecteur de disquettes, puis l'Amstrad CPC 612, où la mémoire vive est portée à 128 Ko.

En 1990, voyant les ventes de ces CPC décliner, Amstrad tenta de reprendre le marché avec une version plus évoluée du CPC (le CPC+) ainsi qu'une console de jeux (la GX-4000) (voir Tilt no 82) : 4096 couleurs, sprites gérés par le matériel, canaux DMA pour le son, port cartouche, nouveau design. Ces machines n'avaient cependant plus assez d'atouts face aux Amiga de Commodore et autres 520ST d'Atari de l'époque ou de la Mega Drive. La gamme CPC+ et GX-4000 disparut rapidement des rayons.

Installation sous RocketLauncher (ou HyperLaunch 3)

Installation de l'émulateur


Pour ce tutoriel, le système Amstrad CPC à été validé avec la version 2.0.3 du module CPCE.

Des versions plus récentes peuvent être disponible via RocketLauncherUI, mais si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec ces versions, voici la version 2.0.3 :

(Cliquez sur le titre ci-dessous pour directement télécharger le fichier)

MEmuV = v1.94
MURL = http://cngsoft.no-ip.org/cpce/index.htm
MAuthor = horseyhorsey,djvj,wahoobrian
MVersion = 2.0.3
MCRC = 3E2066D1
iCRC = 9C04FD16
mId = 635251593387342549
MSystem = "Amstrad CPC"
; Notes:
; PC joystick (360 controller uses stick) JOYSTICK=1 in the CPC.ini
; or emulating joystick through numpad arrow keys 8462 0 fire. This is toggled with NumLock. Normaly numpad keys are the F1-F10 on CPC.
; NumLock is set when the module runs
; Setting the image width & height on 0 values crops the top & side border. Default values shipped with emu are width:3 height:5
; For scanlines to work Image Double has to be enabled
; Should auto load every unzipped game - Tape or Disk (.cdt .dsk) - 7z should be enabled for archives
; Multigame:
; Functions correctly, but in order for it to work, the module must start start the game without autorun enabled.
; If autorun is enabled, the emu will attempt to boot the disk/tape after swapping. So, for games with multiple disks or tapes, autorun will be disabled by
; the module, and the appropriate load command will need to configured using via RocketLauncherUI
; Emulator SpecIfic Keys:
; F1 - Shows all keys
; F6 - Throttle emu - Used to speed up loading tapes or fast forward
; F2 - Save snapshot, F3 - Load Snapshot
; HOME, END, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN scroll the screen
; Lots more help in the cpc.txt with emulator
; General game keys help:
; Most games you should be able to play without a keyboard but here are some important keys you can set which should get you by in a lot of games:
; J - Set Joystick, K - Set Keyboard, R - Redefine Keys
; 0 - 4 Game menus, choosing players. 0 can be sometimes be for start game
; S - Start game, Y - Yes , N - No
; Space & Enter
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
CPCEconfig := CheckFile(emuPath . "\CPCE.ini")
; Video
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Fullscreen","true",,1)
Greenscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Green Screen","true",,1)
FixGamma := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Fix Gamma","true",,1)
Dither := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Dither","true",,1)
Scanlines := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Scanlines","0",,1)
ImageDouble := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Image Double","0",,1)
ImageWidth := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Image Width","0",,1)
ImageHeight := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Win32 Video Settings|" . romName, "Image Height","0",,1)
; Audio
SoundQuality := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Audio Settings|" . romName, "Sound Quality","2",,1) ; default is 44KHz
16Bit := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Audio Settings|" . romName, "16Bit","true",,1)
Stereo := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Audio Settings|" . romName, "Stereo","true",,1)
Filter := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Audio Settings|" . romName, "Filter","true",,1)
; Rom
Command := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Rom|" . romName, "Command","",,1)
SendCommandDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "SendCommandDelay", "1000",,1)
ResetRequired := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Rom|" . romName, "ResetRequired","false",,1)
CPMMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Rom|" . romName, "CPM Mode","false",,1)
TapeSpeedup := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Rom|" . romName, "TapeSpeedup","true",,1)
TapeCompatibility := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Rom|" . romName, "TapeCompatibility","false",,1)
LightgunMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Rom|" . romName, "LightgunMode","false",,1)
; Write settings to the CPCE.ini
IniWrite, % If (Fullscreen = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, IMAGE_FULLSCREEN
IniWrite, % If (Greenscreen = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, GREEN_SCREEN
IniWrite, % If (FixGamma = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.IMAGE_FIXGAMMA
IniWrite, % If (Dither = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, IMAGE_DITHER
IniWrite, %Scanlines%, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.IMAGE_SCANLINES
IniWrite, % If (ImageDouble = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.IMAGE_DOUBLE
IniWrite, %ImageWidth%, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.IMAGE_WIDTH
IniWrite, %ImageHeight%, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.IMAGE_HEIGHT
IniWrite, %SoundQuality%, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.SOUND_QUALITY
IniWrite, % If (16Bit = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.SOUND_16BITS
IniWrite, % If (Stereo = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.SOUND_STEREO
IniWrite, % If (Filter = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, WIN32.SOUND_FILTER
IniWrite, % If (TapeSpeedup = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, TAPE_SPEEDUP
IniWrite, % If (TapeCompatibility = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, TAPE_COMPATIBLE
IniWrite, % If (LightgunMode = "true") ? 1 : 0, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, GUNSTICK
;Autorun must be disabled for games which require a reset or are contained across multiple disks/tapes.
If ResetRequired = true
AutoRun = 0
Else If romName contains (Disk, (Side
AutoRun = 0
AutoRun = 1
IniWrite, %AutoRun%, %CPCEconfig%, CPCE, AUTORUN
hideEmuObj := Object("ahk_class OS95",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . " """, emuPath)
WinWait("ahk_class OS95")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class OS95")
If ResetRequired = true
Sleep, 500
Send ^{F5}
If (CPMMode = "true" && AutoRun = "0") {
Sleep, 1000
SendCommand("{Shift Down}{vkBBsc01A}{Shift Up}cpm{Enter}",500)
;Send, {{ down}{{ up} ;needed since global SendCommand function cannot handle "{" since it is used for special entries
;US keyboards need to send @ to type " while most EUR keyboards type "
;Both are located in the 2 key so we send Shift+2 instead so it will work on all cases
StringReplace, Command, Command, ", {Shift Down}2{Shift Up}, All
SendCommand(Command, SendCommandDelay)
Gosub, JoystickOn
Process("WaitClose", executable)
disableHideTitleBar := false
disableHideToggleMenu := false
disableHideBorder := false
disableWinMove := false
Send, {NumLock}
Clipboard :=
Clipboard := selectedRom
WinWait("ahk_class OS95")
If (mgRomExt = ".cdt")
Send {LAlt Down}{5}{F3 Down}{F3 Up}{LAlt Up}
If (mgRomExt = ".dsk")
Send {F7}
Send, ^v{50}{enter}
StringLeft, stateType, A_ThisLabel, 4 ;defines If it is a load or save state call
StringRight, CurrentSaveStateSlotSelected, A_ThisLabel, 1 ; defines the slot called
WinWait("ahk_class OS95")
WinActivate, ahk_class OS95
If (stateType="Save")
{ Send, {F2 Down}{10}{F2 Up}
If !FileExist(RLMediaPath . "\Saved Games\%SystemName%\" . romname)
FileCreateDir, %RLMediaPath%/Saved Games/%SystemName%/%romname%
} Else ;it's a load call
Send, {F3 Down}{10}{F3 Up}
WinWait("ahk_class #32770")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class #32770")
Clipboard = %RLMediaPath%\Saved Games\%SystemName%\%romname%
ControlClick, ToolbarWindow323, ahk_class #32770 ,,,, NA x192 x0
Send, ^v{100}{Enter}{200}
ControlClick, Edit1, ahk_class #32770
Clipboard = %romName%-%CurrentSaveStateSlotSelected%
Send, ^v{50}{Enter}
If (stateType="Save")
Sleep, 250
WinClose("ahk_class OS95")

Fichier de configuration

Créez un fichier CPCE.ini dans le dossier Modules CPCE

[Win32 Video Settings]
FullScreen = false
Green Screen = false
Dither = false
Image Width = 3
Image Height = 3
Image Double = true
[Airborne Ranger (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"airbornr{Enter}
[Alien Storm (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"aliensto{Enter}
[Altered Beast (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"altbeast{Enter}
[Alternative World Games (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"awg{Enter}
[Apocalypse (France) (Side A)]
Command = run"apocalyp{Enter}
[Arachnophobia (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"arac{Enter}
[Arc Educational Disc (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"arc{Enter}
[Aussie Games (Europe) (Side A)]
CPM Mode = true
[Aventures de Pepito au Mexique, Les (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"pepito{Enter}
[B.A.T. (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Back to the Future II (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"bttf2{Enter}
[Back to the Future III (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"bttf3{Enter}
[Back to the Golden Age (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"back{Enter}
[Bad Cat (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"badcat{Enter}
[Bard's Tale (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"bards{Enter}
[Battle Command (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"bat{Enter}
[Black Land (Europe) (Disk 1) (Unl)]
Command = run"bl{Enter}
[Bob Winner (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"bob{Enter}
[Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Europe) (Side A)]
CPM Mode = true
[Bulls Eye (Europe)]
LightgunMode = true
[California Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"{wait:100}-califor.bin{Enter}
[Challenge Foot (France)]
Command = 1
[Challenger (Europe)]
Command = {Down}{Enter}
[Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"aft{Enter}
[Circus Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"cg{Enter}
[Classic Games On The Amstrad Vol. 1 (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"classic{Enter}
[Classic Games On The Amstrad Vol. 1 (Europe) (Side B)]
Command = run"classic{Enter}
[Color Lines (Europe) (Side A) (Unl)]
Command = run"cl{Enter}
[Corruption (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"corrupt{Enter}
[Crack Down (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"crakdown{Enter}
[Crown Convoy (France)]
Command = run"convoy{Enter}
[Dr. Doom's Revenge (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"doom{Enter}
[Dragon Spirit (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"dragon{Enter}
[Dragon World (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Dynamite Dux (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[E-SWAT (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"eswat{Enter}
[E.X.I.T. (France) (Side A)]
Command = run"exit{Enter}
[El Paciente 106 (Europe) (Side B) (Unl) (Boot)]
Command = run"loader{Enter}
[Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (Spain)]
Command = c
[Final Fight (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"final{Enter}
[Frank (France) (Side A)]
Command = run"frank{Enter}
[Fres Fighter II Turbo (Europe) (Side A) (Unl)]
Command = run"ff{Enter}
[Fun School 3 - 5 To 7s (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Fun School 3 - Over 7s (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Fun School 4 - 5 To 7s (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"fs4{Enter}
[Fun School 4 - Over 7s (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"fs4{Enter}
[Fun School 4 - Under 5s (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"fs4{Enter}
[Galactic Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Games, The - Summer Edition (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"games{Enter}
[Gauntlet III - The Final Quest (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"gaun3{Enter}
[Gemini Wing (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"gemini{Enter}
[Ghostbusters II (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ghobusii{Enter}
[Giant Killer (Europe)]
Command = run"gkiller.bin{Enter}
SendCommandDelay = 5000
[Gnome Ranger (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Golden Axe (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"goldaxe{Enter}
[Golden Eagle (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"eagle{Enter}
[Golden Path (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"gremlin2{Enter}
[Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"part1{Enter}
[Guild of Thieves, The (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"game{Enter}
[Gunship (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"gunship{Enter}
[Heroes of the Lance (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Hostages (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Humanoid (France) (Disk 1) (Unl)]
Command = run"humanoid{Enter}
[Hurlements (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"hurle{Enter}
[Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"indiana3{Enter}
[Ingrid's Back (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Iron Lord (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ubi{Enter}
[Iron Trackers (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"iron{Enter}
[Jack Nicklaus Golf (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Jara-Tava - The Isle Of Fire (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Jim Power in Mutant Planet (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"jimpower{Enter}
[Jinxter (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"game{Enter}
[Joust (Europe)]
Command = y
[Jungle Book (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"jungle{Enter}
[Karatian (Europe) (Unl)]
Command = c
[Karnov (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"karnov{Enter}
[Kick Off 2 (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Killed Until Dead (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"kill{Enter}
[Knight Force (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"knight{Enter}
[Knight Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"knights{Enter}
[Knight Orc (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"menu{Enter}
[Krypton Factor, The (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Lancelot (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"menu{Enter}
[Last Duel (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"lastduel{Enter}
[Last Ninja 2 (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"lastn{Enter}
[Last Ninja 2 Remix (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ninja{Enter}
[Lemmings (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"lemmings{Enter}
[Lords of Chaos (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"loc{Enter}
[Lucky Luke - Nitroglycerine (France) (Side A)]
CPM Mode = true
[M'enfin - Gaston (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ubi{Enter}
[Magnetic Moon (Europe) (Side A)]
CPM Mode = true
Command = menu{Enter}
SendCommandDelay = 8000
[Maitre Absolu, Le (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ubi{Enter}
[Maitre des Ames, Le (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"{wait}-mda{Enter}
[Masque (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Megablasters (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Meltdown (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"meltdown{Enter}
[Mercs (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[Midnight Resistance (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"midr{Enter}
[Molecularr (Europe) (Unl)]
Command = run"molecule.bin{Enter}
[Munsters, The (Europe)]
Command = run"munster.bas{Enter}
[Murder On The Atlantic (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"game{Enter}
[Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Night Breed (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[North & South (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"part1{Enter}
[Operation Wolf (Europe)]
LightgunMode = true
[Out Run Europa (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"outruneu{Enter}
[PSI-5 Trading Company (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"psi-5{Enter}
[Pawn, The (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"pawn{Enter}
[Pirates (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"pirates{Enter}
[Professional BMX Simulator (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"standard{Enter}
[Puffy's Saga (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Question Of Scruples, A (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"scruples{Enter}
[Rastan (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"rastan{Enter}
[Real Ghostbusters, The (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"rgb{Enter}
[Reconnais-Moi (France) (Side A)]
Command = run"reconnai{Enter}
[Road Blasters (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"roadblas{Enter}
[Rock 'n Roll (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"rocknrol{Enter}
[Roland Goes Digging (Europe)]
Command = n
[Roland in Space (Europe)]
Command = n
[Running Man, The (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"running{Enter}
[Samurai Trilogy (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Sandman, The (Europe) (Disk 1) (Unl)]
Command = run"{wait}-sandman{Enter}
[Scapeghost (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[Seesaw (Europe)]
Command = y
[Shadow of the Beast (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"beast{Enter}
[Shinobi (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"shinobi{Enter}
[Sim City (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Simpsons - Bart vs the Space Mutants (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"simpsons{Enter}
[Skate or Die (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ea{Enter}
[Space Crusade (Europe) (Side A)]
CPM Mode = true
[Space Harrier II (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"spaceii{Enter}
[Spherical (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Sporting Triangles (Europe) (Side A)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[Starship Quest (Europe) (Side A)]
CPM Mode = true
Command = menu{Enter}
SendCommandDelay = 7000
[Starting Blocks (France) (Side A)]
Command = run"loader{Enter}
[Steve Mc Queen Westphaser (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"mcqueen{Enter}
[Street Warriors (Europe) (Side A) (Unl)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[Strip-Jak (Spain) (Side A)]
Command = run"stripjak{Enter}
[Subterranean Stryker (Europe)]
Command = n
[Summer Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[Summer Games 2 (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"summer2{Enter}
[Super Wonderboy in Monster Land (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"superwon{Enter}
[Superpix (Europe) (Side A) (Unl)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Targhan (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"targhan{Enter}
[Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2 - The Coin-Op (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"turtles2{Enter}
[Teenage Queen (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"teenage{Enter}
[Test Drive II - The Duel (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Tetris II (Europe)]
Command = run"tetris2.bin{Enter}
[Thunderbirds (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"thunder{Enter}
[Times of Lore (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"timelore{Enter}
[Tour de Force (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"tour{Enter}
[Traffic (Europe)]
Command = n{Enter}
[Travel With Trashman (Europe)]
Command = run"trashman.bin{Enter}
ResetRequired = true
SendCommandDelay = 2000
[Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"tpbaby{Enter}
[Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Trivial Pursuit - Young Players Edition (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"tpyoung{Enter}
[Trivial Pursuit II - A New Beginning (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"trivial{Enter}
[Turbo Out Run (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"turbo{Enter}
[Turrican (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"turrican{Enter}
[Turrican II - The Final Fight (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"turrica2{Enter}
[Twin World (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"thinword{Enter}
[UN Squadron (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"squadron{Enter}
[Vendetta (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"vendetta{Enter}
[Viz - The Computer Game (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"viz{Enter}
[Voyage au Centre de la Terre (France) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"jeu{Enter}
[Werner (Germany) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disc{Enter}
[Western Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
CPM Mode = true
[Winter Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"disk{Enter}
[World Class Leadboard (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"leader{Enter}
[World Games (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"wgames{Enter}
[Xyphoes Fantasy (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"xyphoes{Enter}
[Yes, Prime Minister (Europe) (Disk 1)]
Command = run"ypm{Enter}
[Zombi (France) (Side A)]
Command = run"zombi{Enter}

Configuration de l'émulateur

Ajouter l'émulateur Alice32 dans RocketLauncher :

  • Name : Amstrad CPC
  • Path : ..\Emulators\CPCE95\CPCE95.exe
  • Rom Extensions : dsk
  • Module : CPCE.ahk
  • GUI Path :
  • CLI Parameters :

Ajout du système

Il ne reste plus qu'à ajouter le système, en choisissant l'émulateur CPCE et en spécifiant le chemin de vos roms.


tutos/software/systemes/amstrad_cpc.1486246918.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/02/04 23:21 de thesalan