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Ajout du système AAE

Auteur : micaelo14


AAE (Another Arcade Emulator) est un émulateur de jeux d’arcade à base de vecteurs (Asteroids, Solar Quest…). Basé sur Retocade, il utilise de toutes nouvelles techniques d’affichage permettant de se rapprocher du rendu si particulier des moniteurs vectoriel.

Site officiel

Installation sous RocketLauncher (ou HyperLaunch 3)

Installation de l'émulateur


Pour ce tutoriel, le système AAE à été validé avec la version 2.0.6 du module.

Des versions plus récentes peuvent être disponible via RocketLauncherUI, mais si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec ces versions, voici la version 2.0.6 :

(Cliquez sur le titre ci-dessous pour directement télécharger le fichier)

MEmu = AAE
MEmuV = vAlpha87u2 (12/13/08)
MURL = http://pages.suddenlink.net/aae/
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0.6
MCRC = A3798B32
iCRC = 78B83C3
MID = 635038268873928953
MSystem = "AAE"
; Notes:
; To apply the updates, first extract the aae092808.zip to its own folder. Then extract aaeu1.zip (10/26/08 build) on top of it overwriting existing files. Do this again for aaeu2.zip (12/13/08 build)
; 12/13/08 release crashes on launch if you have joysticks plugged in or virtual joystick drivers like VJoy installed. If you cannot change this, use AAE from 10/26/08.
; Open your aae.log if it crashes and if it's filled with joystick control info, you need to unplug one joystick at a time until it stops happening.
; Even just having your 360 controller receiver in can crash the exe. Nothing you can do except use another emu or always know to unplug your controllers.
; In the aae.ini, If mame_rom_path has a # before it, remove it.
; You can start the emu and press TAB to set some options.
; If you want to change your exit key within AAE, launch the emu manually (w/o a game) and hit Tab. Then goto Keyboard Config -> Quit (at bottom).
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) ; true (fake full screen), false (Windowed mode) and Fullscreen (normal fullscreen. Do not work with Pause.)
bezelMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "BezelMode","Layout",,1) ; "Layout" or "FixResMode"
Artwork_Crop := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Artwork_Crop", "1",,1)
Use_Artwork := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Use_Artwork", "1",,1)
Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Use_Overlays", "1",,1)
Exit_Mode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Exit_Mode", "WinClose",,1)
aaeINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\aae.ini")
; Enabling Bezel components
IniWrite, %Use_Artwork%, %aaeINI%, main, artwork
IniWrite, %Use_Overlays%, %aaeINI%, main, overlay
IniWrite, %Artwork_Crop%, %aaeINI%, main, artcrop
If bezelEnabled = true
If bezelMode = FixResMode ; RocketLauncher Bezels
{ BezelStart()
aaeWidth := Round(bezelScreenWidth)
aaeHeight := Round(bezelScreenHeight)
IniWrite, %aaeWidth%, %aaeINI%, main, screenw
IniWrite, %aaeHeight%, %aaeINI%, main, screenh
IniWrite, 0, %aaeINI%, main, bezel
} Else ; AAE Built-In Bezels
IniWrite, 1, %aaeINI%, main, bezel
Else ; No Bezels
IniWrite, 0, %aaeINI%, main, bezel
; Creating fake fullscreen mode if fullscreen is true because Pause is not compatible with AAE fullscreen mode.
IniRead, currentFullScreen, %aaeINI%, main, windowed
If (currentFullScreen = 0) and (Fullscreen != "Fullscreen") { ;Windowed mode
IniWrite, 1, %aaeINI%, main, windowed
IniWrite, %A_ScreenWidth%, %aaeINI%, main, screenw
IniWrite, %A_ScreenHeight%, %aaeINI%, main, screenh
} Else If (currentFullScreen = 1) and (Fullscreen = "Fullscreen") ;Real fullscreen mode
IniWrite, 0, %aaeINI%, main, windowed
If (Fullscreen = "true") { ;Fake fullscreen mode
IniWrite, %A_ScreenWidth%, %aaeINI%, main, screenw
IniWrite, %A_ScreenHeight%, %aaeINI%, main, screenh
hideEmuObj := Object("ahk_class AllegroWindow",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
IniWrite, %romPath%, %aaeINI%, main, mame_rom_path ; update AAE's rom path so it's always correct and also works with 7z
HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait
Run(executable . A_Space . romName,emuPath)
WinWait("ahk_class AllegroWindow")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class AllegroWindow")
If (Fullscreen = "true"){
Sleep, 200
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
timeout := A_TickCount
Loop {
WinClose("ahk_class #32770", "Crap")
If (!ErrorLevel || timeout <A_TickCount - 3000)
Sleep, 50
If (Exit_Mode = "ProcessClose")
WinClose("ahk_class AllegroWindow")

Configuration de l'émulateur

Ajouter l'émulateur AAE dans RocketLauncher :

  • Name : AAE
  • Path : ..\Emulators\AAE\aae.exe
  • Rom Extensions : zip
  • Module : AAE.ahk
  • GUI Path :
  • CLI Parameters :

Ajout du système

Il ne reste plus qu'à ajouter le système, en choisissant l'émulateur AAE et en spécifiant le chemin de vos roms.


tutos/software/systemes/aae.1486074406.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/02/02 23:26 de thesalan