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Ajout du système AAE

Auteur : micaelo14


Nous utiliserons donc l'émulateur AAE dans sa version 2.0.6 avec ce module pour Rocketlauncher :

MEmu = AAE
MEmuV = vAlpha87u2 (12/13/08)
MURL = http://pages.suddenlink.net/aae/
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0.6
MCRC = A3798B32
iCRC = 78B83C3
MID = 635038268873928953
MSystem = "AAE"
; Notes:
; To apply the updates, first extract the aae092808.zip to its own folder. Then extract aaeu1.zip (10/26/08 build) on top of it overwriting existing files. Do this again for aaeu2.zip (12/13/08 build)
; 12/13/08 release crashes on launch if you have joysticks plugged in or virtual joystick drivers like VJoy installed. If you cannot change this, use AAE from 10/26/08.
; Open your aae.log if it crashes and if it's filled with joystick control info, you need to unplug one joystick at a time until it stops happening.
; Even just having your 360 controller receiver in can crash the exe. Nothing you can do except use another emu or always know to unplug your controllers.
; In the aae.ini, If mame_rom_path has a # before it, remove it.
; You can start the emu and press TAB to set some options.
; If you want to change your exit key within AAE, launch the emu manually (w/o a game) and hit Tab. Then goto Keyboard Config -> Quit (at bottom).

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) ; true (fake full screen), false (Windowed mode) and Fullscreen (normal fullscreen. Do not work with Pause.)
bezelMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "BezelMode","Layout",,1) ; "Layout" or "FixResMode"
Artwork_Crop := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Artwork_Crop", "1",,1)
Use_Artwork := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Use_Artwork", "1",,1)
Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings" . "|" . romName, "Use_Overlays", "1",,1)
Exit_Mode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Exit_Mode", "WinClose",,1)

aaeINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\aae.ini")

; Enabling Bezel components
IniWrite, %Use_Artwork%, %aaeINI%, main, artwork
IniWrite, %Use_Overlays%, %aaeINI%, main, overlay
IniWrite, %Artwork_Crop%, %aaeINI%, main, artcrop
If bezelEnabled = true
If bezelMode = FixResMode ; RocketLauncher Bezels
{ BezelStart()
aaeWidth := Round(bezelScreenWidth)
aaeHeight := Round(bezelScreenHeight)
IniWrite, %aaeWidth%, %aaeINI%, main, screenw
IniWrite, %aaeHeight%, %aaeINI%, main, screenh
IniWrite, 0, %aaeINI%, main, bezel
} Else ; AAE Built-In Bezels
IniWrite, 1, %aaeINI%, main, bezel
Else ; No Bezels
IniWrite, 0, %aaeINI%, main, bezel

; Creating fake fullscreen mode if fullscreen is true because Pause is not compatible with AAE fullscreen mode.
IniRead, currentFullScreen, %aaeINI%, main, windowed
If (currentFullScreen = 0) and (Fullscreen != "Fullscreen") { ;Windowed mode
IniWrite, 1, %aaeINI%, main, windowed
IniWrite, %A_ScreenWidth%, %aaeINI%, main, screenw
IniWrite, %A_ScreenHeight%, %aaeINI%, main, screenh
} Else If (currentFullScreen = 1) and (Fullscreen = "Fullscreen") ;Real fullscreen mode
IniWrite, 0, %aaeINI%, main, windowed
If (Fullscreen = "true") { ;Fake fullscreen mode
IniWrite, %A_ScreenWidth%, %aaeINI%, main, screenw
IniWrite, %A_ScreenHeight%, %aaeINI%, main, screenh

hideEmuObj := Object("ahk_class AllegroWindow",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

IniWrite, %romPath%, %aaeINI%, main, mame_rom_path ; update AAE's rom path so it's always correct and also works with 7z

HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait

Run(executable . A_Space . romName,emuPath)

WinWait("ahk_class AllegroWindow")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class AllegroWindow")

If (Fullscreen = "true"){
Sleep, 200
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A


timeout := A_TickCount
Loop {
WinClose("ahk_class #32770", "Crap")
If (!ErrorLevel || timeout <A_TickCount - 3000)
Sleep, 50

If (Exit_Mode = "ProcessClose")
WinClose("ahk_class AllegroWindow")

Parametrez RL ainsi :

Lien du sujet : http://forum.hfsplay.fr/tutos-pour-rocketlauncher-f26/aae-t10248.html

tutos/software/systemes/aae.1486061854.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/02/02 19:57 de thesalan