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Atari 2600 - Arcadia Supercharger

Tutoriel original : micaelo du 29/04/2016

Descriptif :

Descriptif :

Le Starpath Supercharger (initialement appelé Arcadia Supercharger) est une cartouche d'extension périphérique créé par Starpath , pour jouer à des jeux exclusifs à base de cassettes-sur Atari 2600 console de jeu vidéo .

Le dispositif est constitué d'une longue cartouche avec une poignée sur l'extrémité, et un câble de cassette audio. Il ajoute 6 KB 128 de l'Atari 2600 octets de RAM (le portant à 6272 octets de RAM ou 49 fois), [6] permettant la création de jeux spécialement compatibles qui sont plus grandes et ont une plus grande résolution graphique que les cartouches normales. Un câble qui sort du côté de la cartouche se branche sur le casque jack de toute norme de cassette joueur, pour le chargement de tous les jeux Supercharger de cassettes audio standard.

Nous utiliserons l'émulateur Stella dans sa version 4.

Prendre ce module:

Module :

Module :

MEmu = Stella
MEmuV = v4.0
MURL = http://stella.sourceforge.net/
MAuthor = djvj,bleasby
MVersion = 2.0.4
MCRC = 22A702E6
iCRC = CB43D314
MID = 635038268926052339
MSystem = "Atari 2600"
; Notes:
; If you want to use a hotkey to swap disks, assign one in RocketLauncherUI for this module
; Stella stores its config @ C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Stella
; CLI docs @ emuPath\docs\index.html#CommandLine
; In order for Stella to load the EEPROM data for AtariVox and SaveKey support from its own folder
; you need to create a text file named basedir.txt in the emulator folder and write the path to that
; folder inside it. This info is more detailed in chapter 7 of the docs mentioned above.

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
; FullResolution := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FullResolution","autoHL",,1) ; If autoHL, RocketLauncher will set the fullscreenres to your current monitor res. If auto, Stella will try to use the maximum resolution for your screen. Otherwise set your desired res here WxH (ex 1920x1200)
screenZoom := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ScreenZoom","autoHL",,1) ; If autoHL, RocketLauncher will set the zoom to maximize your gameplay area. Otherwise set your desired zoom as zoom2x, zoom3x, zoom4x or zoom5x.
centerScreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CenterScreen","true",,1) ; If true, center your gameplay screen
DiskSwapKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DiskSwapKey",,,1) ; swaps disk

bezelTopOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Top_Offset","31",,1)
bezelBottomOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Bottom_Offset","8",,1)
bezelLeftOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Left_Offset","8",,1)
bezelRightOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Right_Offset","8",,1)

hideEmuObj := Object("Stella ahk_class SDL_app",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

fullscreen := " -fullscreen " . (If fullscreen = "true" ? 1 : 0)
centerScreen := " -center " . (If centerScreen = "true" ? 1 : 0)

; fullResolution := If (FullResolution="autoHL") ? (A_ScreenWidth . "x" . A_ScreenHeight) : (If FullResolution = "auto" ? "auto" : FullResolution)
If (screenZoom="autoHL") {
gameRes := IniReadCheck(A_ScriptDir . "\Settings\" systemName . "\resolutions.ini", dbname, "Resolution","notFound",,1)
StringSplit, res, gameRes, x
If (A_ScreenWidth>= res1*6) and (A_ScreenHeight>= res2*6)
screenZoom := 6
Else If (A_ScreenWidth>= res1*5) and (A_ScreenHeight>= res2*5)
screenZoom := 5
Else If (A_ScreenWidth>= res1*4) and (A_ScreenHeight>= res2*4)
screenZoom := 4
Else If (A_ScreenWidth>= res1*3) and (A_ScreenHeight>= res2*3)
screenZoom := 3
screenZoom := 2

If (screenZoom)
screenZoom := " -tia.zoom " . screenZoom

If DiskSwapKey


; This allows us to send variables, that when empty, are not sent to the Run command
Run(executable . fullscreen . centerScreen . screenZoom . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ ", emuPath)

WinWait("Stella ahk_class SDL_app")
WinWaitActive("Stella ahk_class SDL_app")
Sleep, 700 ; Necessary otherwise your Front End window flashes back into view

Process("WaitClose", executable)

Send, {RCtrl down}{R down}{R up}{RCtrl up} ; need to send the keys slow so stella recognizes them

Send, {Esc down}{Esc up}

WinClose("Stella ahk_class SDL_app")

Paramétrer RL ainsi:

Marche nickel :D

tutos/software/systemes/atari-2600-supercharger.1486045354.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/02/02 15:22 de oijkn